Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
About the show
Will you ever ask your home computer what to wear for a certain occasion? Most probably yes. Will judges ever seek advice from Artificial Intelligence to determine criminal sentencing? Some already do. Would you personally be willing to obey an A.I. system? That's what you're doing when you listen to Spotify, follow a Waze route or let your email filter out spam.
But what exactly is this Artificial Intelligence that everyone is talking about? And, more importantly, what is it not? Is it computers that can think and reason just like us? No, not yet, and maybe they never will. However, A.I. does give computers and apps abilities they never had before: recognizing faces, naming objects, understanding and speaking human language and even predicting human behavior.
These new abilities lead to astonishing possibilities that are steadily becoming visible in our daily lives and in our society.
According to some, A.I. combined with robotics is the final piece of the puzzle for a utopia of complete automation. Fully Automated Luxury Communism, all watched over by machines of loving grace.
Whether it will evolve that way is far from certain. But the fact that A.I. is already ubiquitous today and will profoundly change our lives in the near future is undeniable.
In this show, Lieven Scheire will introduce you to this new superhero of technology in an entertaining and accessible way. You'll get a glimpse of how it all works, what it can already do and what it will be capable of in the future. It's a first encounter with something that might soon become your new friend, butler, advisor, psychologist, personal trainer or guardian angel: Artificial Intelligence.

“This world is one big question mark, but talk to Lieven Scheire and everything becomes as clear as day. The first citizen of Nerdland is so intelligent and well-read that I expect Google to make a takeover bid for him soon.”
“An excellent theatre show that provides insights into the spectacular evolution of A.I. with great flair.”